首页 - 关于我们 - 师资队伍 - 2020-2021学年第二学期 - 欧洲-国际法教师 - 正文


Monika Prusinowska

Assistant Professor at the China-EU School of Law

Dr. Monika Prusinowska is a specialist on international business law in the Sino-foreign context. Her current area of work and research includes, in particular, dispute resolution and foreign investment law.

She has earned her degrees studying both in Europe (University of Lodz and University of Hamburg) and China (Tsinghua University). Her Phd focused on the state participation in international commercial arbitration in China, which was awarded in 2019. She has collected her experience working as an academic, as well as a lawyer in one of the largest law firms in China and a lecturer at the Polish embassy’s trade section in Beijing.